History of Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals (FACE)


Twenty-five years ago on New Year's Day 1993, delegates to the first North America Congress on Chinese Evangelicals (NACOCE) were going home.

... In 1976, the first Chinese Congress on World Evangelism was convened. At NACOCE ’78 held in Toronto, the Fellowship of American-Chinese Evangelicals (FACE) was launched. Theological education and church leadership were two crucial issues, and the 1970's was full of activity.

from RESET YOUR CLOCK: A New Hour in PRC Ministry in North America (Samuel Ling)

The present moment is similar, in my own mind, to the 1970’s for the non-PRC Chinese Christian movement in North America. In 1972, the North America Congress of Chinese Evangelicals met for the first time in Richardson Springs, California. NACOCE gave birth to CCCOWE in 1976.

... at the 1978 NACOCE congress, the Fellowship of American Chinese Evangelicals (FACE) was born, sounding a call for “parallel ministries” for American and Canadian born Chinese in the Chinese church. Today, American born Chinese ministries, and the broader challenge of planting Asian-American churches, are an accepted part of the ministry scene in North America.

cf. more articles by Samuel Ling at www.strategicnetwork.org/index.php?loc=kb&view=b&fby=ce64dc8ef6badb9386549a07d49858cc

View & Download the quarterly About FACE newsletters at www.mediafire.com/aboutface -- published from 1997-2003